-- Special Limited Time Offer --

Since 1997, this ebook has helped tens of
thousands of people write more effective
ads, sales letters and website copy that
gets profits up - fast!

~~ Special Report ~~

"Thousands Have Discovered This
Little Known Secret To Making
Money Online -- Now It's
Your Turn..."

"You've tried everything the 'gurus' said you needed to make
money online... web design, buying and swapping ads,
autoresponders, publishing an ezine, safe-lists, search
engine optimization, credit card processing, the list
goes on and on -- but it's still not working, is it?"

"My mind is spinning..."

Hello, I've just finished reading the nine chapters and special reports. The reports were very inspiring and my mind is spinning at 1000 Kph. To know all the mistakes I was making. I thank you very much for this, and for the change my life is about to undertake. Once again many thanks.

Stephen McDermott
Brisbane, Australia

From: Steven Nealon

Dear Friend:

Let me ask you...

Would you like to get more leads and prospects coming to you who want to buy now?

Would you like to know the psychological sales triggers to pull to get more profit results from your ads, sales letters and website?

Would you like to end the frustration and get more of what you want from your business?

You see, we've discovered a few secrets that I'm going to share with you.

And if you're wanting to make money, you'll want to read every word of this letter now.

"This is really the best thing that I have come across..."

I have just spent 4 uninterrupted hours reading the above referenced and I am so energized by it! I wanted to tell you how amazing you are in your clarity in relaying this type of information to people who have never really had any formal education in marketing!!

I am so excited!

Your information will always be invaluable to me and will be my bible in getting my home business off the ground! I finally feel that I now have the ammunition to become successful in my business!!

I have been kind of floundering around using common sense and know my way around the internet quite well. But this is really the best thing that I have come across yet! Again thank you for being so inspirational to me!!

Laurie Hill-Elmstrom

"The little secret no one else is telling you..."

All the latest hi-tech web design gadgets, bells and whistles won't help make you any money unless you learn to use words and sales strategies that have been proven to get attention, generate interest and desire, and motivate people to take buying action now.

It doesn't matter how pretty and professional looking your ad, sales letter or website is, the only way you're going to make money is by using words that communicate clearly the benefits of your offer and the reasons why your prospect should buy from you rather than anyone else.

Persuasive words and strategies that get your reader...

  1. ATTRACTED to something that will be of...

  2. BENEFIT to the them...then enough

  3. DESIRE for that BENEFIT must be generated to motivate them to...

  4. TAKE ACTION and...

  5. BUY NOW

"It's the words that do the selling..."

You've got to write your sales message so your prospective customers develop an emotional desire for what you're offering them, before you ask them to buy.

"I'm *already* seeing better responses..."

Hello, Thanks very much - appreciate your message. I have by now read your book three times, and each time I enjoy it as much as the previous time, if not more.

My gratitude for, and compliments on, a very well written book, which is very easy and pleasurable to read, and absolutely jam-packed with powerful knowledge and highly usable information. I just know that I will be reading this little book *many* times more...

I have started implementing what your book teaches in some of my e-ads, and I'm *already* seeing better responses, even though I am sure that I am still making some of the classic mistakes!

Therefore, I will be reading and re-reading it many times more, so that I can keep on improving my ads and thus responses. I have also recommended your book to my whole downline in a network marketing venture I work, two of which I see has just followed my advice and ordered the book! Great!

That means a ripple effect will start in this particular on-line venture of mine ... <huge grin now> Many thanks! One again, many thanks from a very satisfied and pleased customer.


Gerhard Oosthuizen
KELVIN, South Africa

You must understand...

"The Marketing Technology Has Changed...
But Human Hopes and Desires Do Not!..."

Using these little known secret techniques is the way to get your prospect's attention so they'll be ATTRACTED to your ad (first), then they'll be given the chance to develop a DESIRE for your product/service by seeing the BENEFITS to them that will lead them into WANTING your product/service enough for them to TAKE ACTION and BUY NOW.

"Which is exactly what YOU WANT, isn't it?..."

"I finally found the secrets I've been looking for..."


I received your order last Saturday and wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. I read through your manual. Yours is the only one that explains the subject in a easy to understand language. I have read other peoples works on writing sales letters. I finally found the secrets I've been looking for.

Once again, Great Job!


Martin Pedlar
Satisfied Customer

So how do you learn more about these marketing secrets that have been guarded for personal use by the best direct response marketers to make piles of money?

"I have some very good news for you..."

It's a proven fact, the absolutely most important marketing tool you have is the ability to write effective ads and sales letters -- ads and letters that communicate to the emotions of your reader to motivate them to buy your product/service.

People already using the tips and techniques revealed in this book are getting measurably greater results in their marketing projects and businesses (read some of the comments on this page from people just like you - and notice that I didn't get a bunch of marketing buddies to write something nice about me, these are real people who bought the package and it's made a difference in their lives).

Here's what you'll discover just minutes from now when you get the complete "The Wise Advertisor's Guide to Highly Effective Ads" ePackage... it's everything you need to finally make money online..."

  • What you must do in your sales message to communicate your message so they will buy
  • Why writing like your English grammar teacher is hazardous to your wealth
  • The one luxury you do NOT have when writing ads and sales letters
  • Who you should really be writing your message to
  • The easy way to write a sales letter
  • How to keep your reader's attention
  • How to make your message EASY to read
  • The two things that people will always buy
  • How and why you should state your offer in different ways
  • The secret to using different layout techniques to make the page more interesting to look at, and easier to read
  • People have two different reading styles - use this technique to make sure you get both styles working for you
  • Ten ways to make your ads, sales letters, and websites more stimulating to read
  • How to make your writing more personal and friendly

And you'll learn exactly how to find the people who will buy whatever you want to sell them...

  • The first question you should be asking yourself before you try to sell anything

  • The absolutely easiest way to sell anything
  • The 3-step secret to getting sales every time
  • The big mistake most people make when deciding how to go about selling their products/services
  • What you should be selling to your target market
  • How to find people who will buy whatever you want to sell them
  • The two types of people you will find by researching your target market, and what you'll learn from both
  • What you can learn from reading the ads, sales letters, and websites of your competitors
  • How to find out what your target customer will buy - and the easy way to sell it to them
  • How to use this simple marketing technique to make sure your offer is seen at the right time
  • Where to find ready and willing buyers
  • The most important asset that you will ever have as a marketer
  • How to develop your hot prospect lead list
  • Why it may not be a good idea to ask people to buy the first time they hear from you
  • How to make sure people know you're for real
  • Exactly what information you should give away, and what you should sell
Plus lot's of great tips to make your marketing pieces pull in leads and orders...
  • How a little change in headlines makes a tremendous difference in the results of your marketing

  • The results of an amazing marketing test that showed exactly how important the testing of headlines is in the success of your ads
  • The one thing you have no right to tell your target market, and what you should do instead to create big sales
  • The three letter word that is not to be asked in understanding the ad response you get
  • How to get your prospects and customers to tell you what to sell them
  • How to use proven headlines to boost your sales
  • How to jumpstart your creative thinking to come up with winner headlines that get response now
  • Discover the top 10 words used in the 100 most successful headlines of all time
  • The five most effective words you can use in your ads, sales letters and websites
  • How to get high-paid ad writers to work for you for free
And wait until you see how easy it is to write a great sales letter using the simple seven-step guide...
  • The most important secret you must understand when writing headlines, sales letters, email, and follow-ups
  • How to make sure your reader will read all of your ad or sales letter
  • Understanding the psychology of the classic 4-part approach to writing sales letters
  • The simple 5-step process your prospect must go through so you'll get the sale
  • How to get your prospect to read the body of your ad or letter
  • The amazingly simple secret to getting better responses to your ads, sales letters, and websites
  • The three questions you must answer to get your prospect to take buying action
  • Five easy ways to make your prospect believe you
  • How to make benefits out of the features of your product/service
  • What your customers are really wanting to buy (and it's NOT your product nor anyone elses, it's something very different)
  • The secret to speaking to your customer's interest first
  • The unspoken question the customer has in their mind that you should answer for them
  • What you have to do to get them to take action and buy now

Plus you get insight into your prospect's mind and how to get them to take buying action now...

  • How your prospect really makes their buying decisions, and what you must do to help them along
  • The secret to speaking to their three levels of thought
  • How to get your prospect past the "let me think about it" stage
  • Why trying to sell to what people need is not effective (you must sell to another motivator to be wildly successful)
  • How to use the "herd mentality" to your sales advantage
  • The marketer's secret "key to the vault"
  • What human characteristic you must appeal to each time you make a sales offer
And as if all this wasn't enough, you'll learn exactly how to make the buyer feel comfortable in buying from your the first time...
  • The reason most people are hesitant in doing business with you the first time
  • How to build trust so people will buy from you
  • What to offer your customer that makes buying comfortable
  • The secret to having only happy customers
  • What you can do to get them to try you out the first time
And you'll discover the most effective marketing words of all time...
  • How to phrase your offers using the four most effective approaches
  • Ten ways to make your offer believable (even when it's TRUE!)
  • Eight ways to offer a good deal
  • Sixteen phrases to get people to take action now
  • The one thing you must do or your sales effort will fail every time
There's more, you also learn how to build your profits for years to come...
  • How to make your marketing efforts pay-off BIG TIME
  • Who is the easiest prospect to sell and why
  • Where the big profits are in your business
  • The three magic words that build your profits for years to come
  • The most jealously guarded secret of any successful marketer
  • Three ways to get this secret working for you
  • How to profit from the efforts of others
  • The secret of "losing money" to make tons of money later
  • The question you should always be asking yourself in planning your business
I've even included exactly how to generate more marketing ideas than you could ever imagine...
  • Discover the quickest way to be successful at any venture or activity
  • The surefire way to waste your time and money
  • Why learning effective marketing strategies is the best investment you'll ever make
  • How to use the magic of marketing leverage to make more profit with less effort
  • How to get anything you want out of life
  • What business you are REALLY in
  • Where to look for great marketing ideas and strategies for FREE
  • What you can learn at the grocery store check-out lane
  • The little-known secret to learning how to write effective ads and sales letters
  • How to use winning formulas and formats to take the short-cut to sales success
  • How to get great marketing ideas that will leave your competition wondering what happened

You get the specifics of how to do each and every one of these techniques in detail when you have your own copy of the book that thousands of other people keep near as a ready reference guide to marketing their products and services online and offline too.

"Your book made the difference in understanding the information and being able to put to it use right away..."

Hi, My name is Guillermo Amador Jr and I just finished up your "AD BOOK" I ordered last week. I must say it has been a blessing and just the right information I needed to begin marketing with confidence!

Although I had invested in other marketing programs, it is amazing how your format and the "personal feel" I got from going through your book made the difference in understanding the information and being able to put to it use right away. I now wish to begin marketing your book and joining you on your marketing efforts.

Thank you for all the tips and looking forward to a prosperous and profitable relationship!

Best wishes and God Bless!

Guillermo Amador Jr.

Click Here To Order Now

"And I Want To Make This Offer Even
MORE Irresistible For You..."

You get instant access to:

  • The complete "The Wise Advertisor's Guide to Highly Effective Ads" manual
  • Plus these 13 special bonus chapters (value $20.00 each):
    • Emotional Response Direct Marketing

    • The Simple Little Secret That Will Improve Your Success Exponentially

    • Get A FREE Lesson In Direct Response Marketing That's Worth Millions

    • Three Words Guaranteed To Make Your Sales Letter Fail...Get Rid Of Them And Watch Your Responses Skyrocket!

    • A Quick And Easy Way To Write Sales Letters

    • Ten Hot Tips To Increase Your Sales...Fast

    • The Six Secret Persuaders To Use In Every Offer You Make

    • How To Use One Of Six Power Persuaders To Increase Leads And Sales Now

    • The Most Important Part of Your Ad...and Why!

    • Seven Secrets To Getting More Responses To Your Ads

    • How To Instantly Get Your Prospect's Attention -- And Give Them The Reason Why They Should Do Business With You Instead Of Anyone Else (Or How To Design Your USA)

    • How To Increase Your Sales And Responses To Your Ads -- Now!

    • The Little Secret That The World's Sharpest Marketers Use To Increase Their Results Up To 1000% or More

And you have my personal...

"Better-Than-100%-Money-Back and
TRIPLE Risk-Free Guarantee..."

You see, I absolutely refuse to have any unhappy customers.

Therefore I reserve the right to refund your money to you if for any reason whatsoever you are not completely thrilled with information and techniques you receive.

"Triple-Guarantee #1..."

When you download the ePackage, if you don't think it's right for you, for whatever reason, just contact me, let me know that you'd like a refund and we'll cheerfully refund your money in full -- no hassles and no hard feelings.

"Triple-Guarantee #2..."

Put the strategies, techniques and concepts revealed in this package to the test for 30 days, and if you aren't getting measurably greater results to your marketing efforts, contact me for a prompt and full refund.

"Triple-Guarantee #3..."

Continue to use the strategies, techniques and concepts I teach you for 45 days, and if you don't think this is the best money you ever invested in your own success, just let me know and your money is right back to you -- because if you're not absolutely thrilled with the results you get, I insist on refunding your money.

And in the unlikely event you do ask for a refund, you can still keep the book too.

"You risk nothing -- the risk is all mine..."

What could be fairer than that?

Am I nuts?

No, it just shows how confident I am that you'll be delighted with the information you get...just like the others who are already using the information and making more money than before.

"Okay, so how much is it?..."

That's the good part.

I want you to be successful using these profit-producing strategies for yourself, so I've priced it so anyone can afford it.

You get all this for an amazingly low price...
Click Here To Order Now

"So here's what you do now..."

To order this complete package and have instant access, simply click the link below to get everything you want.

You'd like to get more leads and prospects coming to you who want to buy now?

You'd like to know the psychological sales triggers to pull to get more profit results from your ads, sales letters and website?

You'd like to end the frustration and get more of what you want from your business?

I know your answer is yes, - isn't it?

Then be good to yourself and order now to get everything I've offered you just seconds from now.

Click Here To Order Now

You'll be surprised how quickly you can be getting better responses to your ads and sales letters, and increasing your sales and profits!

Steven A. Nealon

P.S. Don't wait to get started, take action now. You'll get everything I've promised -- go ahead and hold my feet to the fire to provide you with strategies that really work -- your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

P.P.S. Order now and you get the book and special bonus chapters, are yours today for only a fraction of what it's really worth to you in profit-pulling results.

Click Here To Order Now

P.P.P.S. One other thing...if you've read this letter and still decided not to order, then I'm quite frankly, puzzled. You see I've mentioned all the benefits you get, I've given you testimonials from others who already got great results (did you notice they're from real people like you, not just a bunch of my internet buddies trying to help me out), I've made my triple guarantee to you and I've taken all the risk -- the only thing I can't do is make the decision to buy for you, it's up to you to take action right now.

Here's a few more letters we've received...

"It's GREAT..."

Hello, I have just read, and started to market your book. Just had to let you know it's GREAT in reading it a wealth of knowledge: In marketing it gets more attention than anything I have ever marketed before! So just a note to say thanks, I have just made my own web page today.

Best Regards,
Rita Marendic

"You are the first I have seen to apply those correct principles to the online marketplace..."

Hi I've gone back through the materials you've provided (excellent stuff by the way). I wanted you to know that I have at least a little knowledge of direct mail and ad copy so I could say this: You are the first person online (that I've seen) that has shown a significant understanding of what it takes to market information via direct mail ads.

You are the first I have seen to apply those correct principles to the online marketplace and I am impressed with what you have put together. Naturally, I don't know how successful this venture has been for you financially, but if knowledge is the key and if the psychology of people in general holds for people on the net, I know that your campaign is a tremendous success.

I wish you well in your continuing ventures.
Bob Brown

"I've spent a few thousand dollars and for all intents and purposes have been ripped off..."

Hi again: After reading most of the info in your book, I must admit, I am impressed. Your level of expertise is heart warming. I been seeking concrete information on net marketing for the last three years.

I've spent a few thousand dollars and for all intents and purposes have been ripped off. I know you have heard this story many times. Con artists are running rampant on the net. My only saving grace has been my dedication and determination. I refuse to quit, regardless of the obstacles placed in my path.

Then praise God, I stumble on people like yourself who are honest and offer real value for the dollar.

Thanks for your time --

Charles Beach, Las Vegas, Nevada

(And who knows, I'm betting that we'll get a letter
like this from you in just a few days too!)

Click Here To Order Now

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